I saw Le Dejeurner sur l'Herbe and Olympia by Manet [which were both marvelous; having just finished a paper about them, I was able to bore my parents with dozens of minute details], enormous oil sketches by Lautrec [which I was astounded had survived (and were at that scale), being on unprimed canvas! Eek!], gorgeous pastel works by the Symbolists, and many, many others.
And, of course, what trip to Paris is complete without a trip to the Louvre? It was utterly overwhelming: thousands of works I've studied or seen vaguely, but also way too many people! Versailles was crowded, but not to the same extent.
I probably could have spent years in the Louvre. Gerricault, Delacroix, Le Brun, Da Vinci... So many works, so little time!
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